It is very good news that Public Health England (PHE) is being more supportive of vaping. Very good news indeed. It wants hospitals to be able to sell e-cigarettes and also it encourages hospitals to introduce vaping areas, even in private rooms for patients who are in hospital for a long time.
But the call for an easier route for manufacturers to get a medicinal licence is unnecessary.
E-cigarettes have been so successful because they are consumer driven. Until the EU waded in, it was the closest we have seen to a genuine free market in years. The consumer choice available is breathtaking. There is simply no need for the NHS to get involved.
Frankly, if you can afford to buy a packet of cigarettes each day, you can afford to buy an e-cigarette. Vaping is vastly cheaper than smoking. I am sure GPs all over the country will agree with me. The last think they need are more patients in their surgeries. They have enough work on their plates already.
Please take a look at the video below. It highlights that despite all the scientific evidence available, more people today think vaping is as harmful to health as smoking than did just a few years ago. We need to urgently reverse this perception.
PHE's current intervention is welcome. It will help more people quit smoking. That's good news. Just forget the "vaping on prescription" idea. It's not needed, and nor should taxpayers foot the bill when those receiving prescriptions are currently spending large amounts of money buying cigarettes.
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