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Pages tagged "Brexit"

Theresa May offers Brexit in name only - and the deal is only going to get worse

Responding to the proposals agreed by the cabinet at Chequers yesterday, Andrew Allison Head of Campaigns at The Freedom Association, said:

"What Theresa May and her fellow Remainers railroaded through cabinet yesterday - her so-called third way - could very easily be a third rail for the Conservative Party. The common rulebook for goods means that we will effectively remain in the single market for goods. It means that some 90 per cent of British businesses who do not export will have to stick to EU rules.

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German MEP: "EU should have been allowed to take part in the referendum campaign in the UK to help guide the British electorate to the correct answer"

Populism is spreading all over Europe, and with condescending MEPs like Elmar Brok it is not difficult to understand why. Brok is a close ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and is also the Brexit Coordinator of the European People's Party.

Take a look at this from the Telegraph. 

"If there is no exit agreement by March 29 2019 a hard Brexit will occur. So a referendum in December or January...could avert a hard Brexit," he said. He then went on to say that the EU should have been allowed to take part in the referendum campaign in the UK to help guide the British electorate to the correct answer. He remarked that it was a mistake that the EU followed David Cameron's wishes and kept out of the debate. 

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Memo to Barnier: stop cherry-picking!

The following is a guest post by Roger Helmer. Roger was a MEP representing the East Midlands from 1999-2017, and is a former chairman of The Freedom Association. 

We’re accustomed to hear Michel Barnier (and others in Brussels) insist that the UK can’t “cherry-pick” its trade agreement with the EU.  It’s a term they seem to apply to anything short of total acceptance of the acquis communautaire, since almost by definition any agreement will address some issues and not others.  Yet Monsieur Barnier is the biggest cherry-picker of them all.  He has said he’d be prepared to offer the UK a Free Trade Deal (FTA) on goods, but not on services.

Well of course he would.  The EU has a massive trade surplus in goods with the UK -- £95 billion in 2017, according to the Commons Library briefing.  So free trade in goods is massively to Brussels’ advantage.  On the other hand the UK has a much smaller surplus in services with the EU -- £28 billion.  So an FTA in services would benefit Britain – but far less than the EU’s benefit on goods.  Any sensible British negotiator might have said “OK – we’ll talk about an FTA covering goods and services, even though that’s a huge concession on our part, given Brussels’ overall trade surplus with the UK.  But you can’t cherry-pick goods, which work in your favour, and exclude services, which work in our favour”.

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WATCH Boris Johnson's personal statement to the Commons this afternoon

"It's not too late to save Brexit". Watch Boris's tour de force in the House of Commons this afternoon. 

Jacob Rees-Mogg responds to the Government's Brexit White Paper

This is the response from Jacob Rees-Mogg MP, Chairman of the European Research Group (ERG):

“This is the greatest vassalage since King John paid homage to Phillip II at Le Goulet in 1200.

"This White paper has not needed age to turn yellow. There are very few signs of the Prime Minister’s famous red lines. It is a pale imitation of the paper prepared by David Davis, a bad deal for Britain. It is not be something I would vote for nor is it what the British people voted for.

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Read the Brexit White Paper

You can read the Brexit White Paper here

Join us at one of our 'Brexit: Let's Get On With It' street stalls

Remoaners in Open Britain and Best for Britain have promised a summer of activity  as part of their campaign to stop Brexit. We in The Freedom Association are responding in kind, and thanks to the generosity of members in both giving up their time and their money, we are planning a summer of street stalls and other campaigning. 

We have organised six stalls next week, and many more are in the pipeline.

Click here to view where those stalls are going to be. 

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The European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018

This is the moment John Bercow announced that the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill had been given Royal Assent and had become an Act of Parliament. Great news, but Bercow doesn't look very happy about it! 🤣 

A home truth to Remoaner MPs from Philip Davies

Remoaner MPs - those who willingly handed over power to Brussels without the bat of an eyelid - were told a home truth by Freedom Association Council member, Philip Davies MP, last week. Watch the video to find out more. 


On the anniversary of the referendum, Peer urges ‘negative’ Government to start talking about the benefits of Brexit

News Release

22nd June 2018

On the eve of the second anniversary of the EU referendum, the independent Labour Peer, Lord Stoddart of Swindon has criticised the Government for its: “negativity and failure to make clear the many benefits the UK will enjoy outside of the European Union.  The British people had a vision of a positive future outside of the EU, when they bravely voted for Brexit on 23rd June 2016.  It is a about time the Government did too!”

Lord Stoddart said: “It really is very disappointing that it has to be the American Ambassador who is reminding us of what a great country we are and of the optimistic future we can look forward to outside of the EU.  He is absolutely right to be dismayed at the defeatism we, as a nation, are exhibiting towards Brexit. It is high time that our rather negative Government, which seems to regard the negotiations with the EU as some sort of damage limitation exercise, started being a cheer leader for the benefits of leaving the EU, not least the £10.5 billion net and rising that we will no longer have to pay to be in this failing economic bloc.

“The passage of the EU (Withdrawal) Bill through both Houses of Parliament this week is hugely significant because it means that the European Communities Act 1972, which made the EU supreme over Westminster, will be repealed.  In other words, despite the endless anti-democratic wailing of the Remain brigade, there is no going back, we are leaving the EU and re-establishing the supremacy of our own Government and Parliament.  Not before time!”



THE PRESS OFFICE OF The Lord Stoddart of Swindon (independent Labour)                                                                                          

Media contact:  Stuart Gulleford

Tel:  07734-457390 

e-mail: [email protected]

Twitter: #lordstoddart