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Pages tagged "Church of England"

Apologise and Resign

The following is a guest post by the Rev Dr Peter Mullen, Hon. Chaplain of The Freedom Association.

For how much longer will Justin Welby, the Archbishop of cant, be allowed to continue to traduce the good name of Bishop George Bell?

The heroic wartime Bishop was “hung out to dry” by the Church of England authorities at the highest level. Those are the words of Lord Carlile in his judgement on how the Church hierarchy mistreated George Bell. 

The Church operated a kangaroo court. Here are the facts…

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How many Big Brothers are watching you?

The following is a guest post by the Rev Dr Peter Mullen, Hon. Chaplain of The Freedom Association. 

Rev-Peter-Mullen.pngRelentlessly, day by day, the surveillance society is becoming more total – the word I am looking for is totalitarian

Last Saturday I was invited by the Church of England authorities to attend what is called a Safeguarding Course. If I had declined this “invitation,” I would have no longer possessed my work permit: the Bishop’s permission for me to officiate as a priest. So, along with thirty other priests and laypeople, I endured a couple of hours brainwashing session in which I was told to look out for incidences of “physical, mental, sexual or emotional abuse of children or adults.” Suggestions were offered as to how I might go about this. I should, for example, listen to children’s conversation from which I might glean some insight into their home life.

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