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Pages tagged "Comment Central"

Rory Broomfield: Osborne’s in denial

Writing for Comment Central, Rory Broomfield says that since last year’s EU Referendum, there has been good news in abundance, but try telling that to George Osborne and co.

Things happen in life that we might not like. We have to deal with them and move on. However, there are some events in life that people feel unable to let go. It seems that, to much of the press, Brexit is that issue.

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Rory Broomfield: If only Cameron paid heed to his own advice

The following article by Rory Broomfield, Director of The Freedom Association, appeared on Comment Central this morning.

The former Prime Minister was right – those that oppose austerity are being selfish. But given that public debt is higher than when he entered Downing Street, why didn’t he take his own advice?

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