Pages tagged "Conservatives"
The Tories have not merely slipped half-forgetfully into socialism, they have seized on it with relish
The following is a guest post by the Rev Dr Peter Mullen, Hon. Chaplain of The Freedom Association.
Theresa May’s brand of conservatism has been called “socialism lite.” This is unfair to her. Perhaps it used to be socialism lite, but it now shows every sign of turning into socialism ‘evvy.
The latest wheeze takes the form of a bribe as the Tories hope to grab the young voters by offering cheaper rail travel. But this is only a gimmick, a sideshow. Across the whole range of economic policies, the government looks increasingly left wing: not far off Miliband’s 2015 election manifesto and certainly well to the left of anything produced by Harold Wilson or Jim Callaghan in the 1960s and 1970s.
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