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Pages tagged "e-cigarettes"

More PHE support for vaping, but e-cigarettes should not be available on the NHS

It is very good news that Public Health England (PHE) is being more supportive of vaping. Very good news indeed. It wants hospitals to be able to sell e-cigarettes and also it encourages hospitals to introduce vaping areas, even in private rooms for patients who are in hospital for a long time. 

But the call for an easier route for manufacturers to get a medicinal licence is unnecessary.  

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Let’s stop widespread plastic waste in March 2019

Yesterday, Theresa May pledged to eradicate all avoidable plastic waste in the UK by 2042. It is a worthy goal, and will be popular since nobody really likes waste, especially if it is entirely unnecessary. And at Freedom to Vape, we have a great suggestion for Mrs May as to how she can save a massive amount of plastic waste in one fell swoop.

One of the aims of Freedom to Vape is to lobby the government for removal of pointless regulations on vaping imposed by the EU’s Tobacco Products Directive (TPD), one of which is limiting e-liquid bottle sizes to 10ml for no discernible reason.

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Public Health England once again backs e-cigarettes

Public Health England (PHE) backed e-cigarettes as a quit aid during its 'Stoptober' campaign last year. It teamed up with the independent British Vape trade Association (IBVTA) during that campaign. 

The Vaping Post reports that PHE has once again teamed up with the IBVTA this month as it launches another campaign. Here's an extract:

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Evidence from Freedom to Vape published by the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee

Earlier this month, on behalf of the Freedom to Vape campaign, I submitted evidence to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee as part of the committee's investigation into e-cigarettes. 

The evidence has been published and can be read here

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WATCH: Andrew Allison discusses vaping on the Sunday Politics in Yorkshire & Lincolnshire

Andrew Allison, Head of Campaigns, was invited to take part in a discussion on vaping on the BBC Sunday Politics programme in Yorkshire & Lincolnshire on 3 December. 

Click below to watch it. 

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"Lift EU regulations to let vaping flourish after Brexit", says new IEA report

In an excellent new report published today, Chris Snowdon, Head of Lifestyle Economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), has called for the damaging regulations imposed on vapers and the vaping industry in the European Union's Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) to be scrapped post-Brexit. Click HERE to read the report. 

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Why does it cost taxpayers £55K per successful quitter in Hammersmith & Fulham?

Harry Phibbs, over at ConservativeHome, revealed yesterday that is costs around £55K to get someone to quit smoking in Hammersmith and Fulham. You read that correctly. Harry is a councillor there. Here's what he found out:

"Thrive Tribe is given £1.19 million from my Council’s Public Health budget “for the provision of a stop smoking (quits and prevention) service”. The contract was from 01/01/2014 – 31/12/2017.

"So how many have quit?

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If ignorance was an Olympic Sport, Glasgow City Council's vaping policy could secure it a gold medal

I published a major report last year on behalf of The Freedom Association's Freedom to Vape campaign which looked at the vaping policies of all UK councils. The responses highlighted hundreds of outdated policies, so this year we have repeated the exercise and included a couple of extra questions to find out if councils are listening to advise from Public Health England (PHE) which was included in the Government's Tobacco Control Plan. 

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Another low for the tobacco control lobby in the United States

Many cities in the United States are raising the age to purchase tobacco products to 21 years. Some of the rhetoric coming out of the groups campaigning for draconian legislation would be at home in a totalitarian state. It's not what you would expect (or shouldn't expect) from a country that likes to think that it leads the free world. 

Detroit Lakes is one of those US cities contemplating raising the age, and supporters don't want to stop there. They are also "discussing exceeding state law in defining vaping as smoking, banning vaping where smoking is banned and removing the business owners right to choose, banning smoking/vaping patios, etc."

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Is New York City the most anti-vaping city in the world?

I ask the question in the headline after just reading this in Crain's New York Business. New York City Council has just voted through a raft of anti-smoking and anti-vaping measures, the extent of which makes you wonder if New York is part of the free world or not.

Here is extract from the article I have just read:

" The package, which has the support of Mayor Bill de Blasio, will raise the price floor on a pack of cigarettes to $13 from $10.50, and smokeless tobacco and shisha packages to $17 from $8. Retailers that sell individual cigars would have to charge at least $8". 

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