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Pages tagged "Freedom"

It is now clear that the EU wants to punish the UK. It is completely unacceptable.

The EU's draft negotiation terms look to chain the UK to the EU's dying corpse. Our politicians have to mobilise against this, argues Rory Broomfield.

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Theresa May is wrong to remain wedded to the European Arrest Warrant

During a far-reaching speech delivered at a security conference in Germany over the weekend, the Prime Minister restated her belief that the UK should remain part of the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) after leaving the EU.

In doing so, the EAW could be included as part of a trade deal with the EU. If this happens, Rory Broomfield argues that it would be a bad deal. 

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Remoaners remain on the wrong side of history - we should continue campaigning for a clean Brexit

Over the Christmas and New Year period we saw yet more delusional displays of remoanerism by numerous Lords and other entitled individuals. They still don't understand the EU and what it is turning into. We need to continue the fight for a clean Brexit, argues Rory Broomfield

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LISTEN: Andrew Allison, Head of Campaigns, discusses security v freedom on BBC Three Counties Radio

Andrew Allison, Head of Campaigns at The Freedom Association, discussed the issue of security v freedom on BBC Three Counties Radio, in the wake of more Islamist terrorist atrocities in Spain. The other guest is Professor Anthony Glees, Director of the Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies at the University of Buckingham. The presenter is Yasmeen Khan. 


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Kemi Badenoch MP: "I believe that the vote for Brexit was the greatest ever vote of confidence in the project of the United Kingdom"

Kemi_Badenoch_Pic.pngKemi Badenoch, the newly elected MP for Saffron Walden, gave her maiden speech in the House of Commons yesterday. And what a speech it was. Here is just one paragraph: 

"I believe in free markets and free trade. But there is more to conservatism than economic liberalism—there is respect for the rule of law; personal responsibility; freedom of speech and of association; and opportunity through meritocracy. Those freedoms are being subtly eroded in an era when emotion and feeling are prized above reason and logic. It is those freedoms that I will seek to defend during my time in this House."

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