Pages tagged "Leave"
Remoaners plan to waste parliamentary time in order to ignore EU referendum
Today in Westminster there is to be a three-hour debate where nationalist MPs from Plaid Cymru will call for UK membership of the Single Market and EU citizenship for UK citizens to be retained "in the event that the UK leaves the EU".
Author: Rory Broomfield
Read moreWill you help us stop Tony Blair wrecking Brexit?
Tony Blair is determined to stop Brexit. We knew this months ago when we decided to set-up our 'Stop Blair' campaign. If you read the Daily Mail this morning, you can see that our former Prime Minister is at it again.
Speaking at the Concordia Annual Summit in New York, he described Brexit as "a self-harming act". When asked directly if he thinks it is possible to undo Brexit, he said he didn't know, but suggested that the vote could be reversed. And we know he has been doing his best to reverse it.