Pages tagged "Manchester University"
Manchester students remove Kipling's 'IF' poem
Students at Manchester University have removed Rudyard Kipling's poem "If" (one of the greatest and most popular poems in the English language) from a wall in a Students' Union (SU) building. They object to it not because they disagree with the sentiments of the poem. It's Kipling they have a problem with. They regard him as a racist and that he “stands for the opposite of liberation, empowerment, and human rights”.
According to the Telegraph, Sara Khan, the liberation and access officer (what?) at Manchester’s SU, blamed a “failure to consult students” during the renovation of the SU building for the Kipling poem being painted on the wall in the first place.
“We, as an exec team, believe that Kipling stands for the opposite of liberation, empowerment, and human rights - the things that we, as an SU, stand for,” she said.
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