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Pages tagged "Mancunian Way"

Nick Buckley has been reinstated as CEO of Mancunian Way

From Andrew Allison, Head of Campaigns

I have just received an email with the title, "Common sense wins the day!". It's not often I hear that these days. Here is the email in full from Mike Smith who organised the petition to get Nick Buckley reinstated as CEO of the charity he founded, Mancunican Way:

"It is with great pleasure that I can announce that Nick has been reinstated as CEO at Mancunian Way charity.
The trustees have all resigned, a new board has been appointed and Nick is back at work from this morning.

"Nick has asked me to say a huge thank you to everyone who signed the petition. It put the trustees under additional pressure and highlighted the injustice in this case.

"If you want to continue to follow the story of Nick Buckley, then follow him on social media at @ NickBuckleyMBE on most platforms."

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Nick Buckley must be reinstated as CEO of Mancunian Way

It is a sign of the times. If you don't subscribe to a left-wing, woke orthodoxy, you are beyond the pale. You shouldn't hold any role in public life, and even if you are not in public life, you should still be fired from your job. You are an outcast. You are the lowest of the low. You can't possibly criticise the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. All they want is racial equality. What's wrong with that? There is, of course, nothing wrong with that. Indeed, it is what everyone should want. But if you delve into BLM, you discover a sinister movement which should be scrutinised. 

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