Pages tagged "Margaret Purves"
Margaret Purves G.C.
Margaret Purves G.C. (born 25 November 1934 - died 12 September 2021) was as remarkable a lady as one would expect of one with the extraordinarily rare letters G.C. after her name. Born Margaret Vaughan - a policeman's daughter - in Tremorfa, Cardiff (close to the celebrated district of Splott), she achieved early fame, aged 14, for her heroic and successful efforts to save some Scouts who had been caught in the treacherous Bristol Channel tide near Barry. Her Albert Medal was later changed to a George Cross (the civilian equivalent of the Victoria Cross) and Margaret later became an active member of the VC and GC Association.
After being commissioned as a Lieutenant in Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps she met Captain John Purves (REME) and married him in Llandaff Cathedral in 1961. In those days the recruiting slogan, 'Join the Army and see the world' did indeed mean travelling the globe. Settling in Wiltshire in 1983 Margaret put her formidable organisational and leadership skills to good use, as a Conservative Association Chairman and a local councillor. Objecting to the Maastricht Treaty she stood for the Referendum Party in the 1997 general election and joined The Freedom Association becoming founder Chairman of the Wiltshire & Bath Branch which she ran successfully with a mix of common sense and robust good humour, organising a series of annual dinners with leading speakers such as Jacob Rees-Mogg.
Even when she struggled to walk, Margaret remained cheerful, determined and effective - truly a big personality in a small frame. In recognition of her work, Margaret was elected a Member of the TFA Council. She will be much missed by her fellow TFA Members in Wiltshire and beyond. We offer our sincere condolences to her son, her two daughters and all of her family.