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Pages tagged "Public Health England"

Victoria Coren Mitchell ignores the science behind vaping in her Observer column

After reading Victoria Coren Mitchell's column in yesterday's Observer, I can see that she doesn't have a clue what she is talking about when it comes to vaping. She has her own prejudices and has either not bothered reading about the science behind vaping, or has decided to ignore it. She didn't take long to get revved up:

"In my opinion, it’s appalling that a state-funded, state-sanctioned public health body should recommend vapes to people who want to stop smoking. E-snout would probably be available on the NHS already, were it not for the fact that medical licensing requires them actually to justify health claims made on their behalf..."

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More PHE support for vaping, but e-cigarettes should not be available on the NHS

It is very good news that Public Health England (PHE) is being more supportive of vaping. Very good news indeed. It wants hospitals to be able to sell e-cigarettes and also it encourages hospitals to introduce vaping areas, even in private rooms for patients who are in hospital for a long time. 

But the call for an easier route for manufacturers to get a medicinal licence is unnecessary.  

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Public Health England once again backs e-cigarettes

Public Health England (PHE) backed e-cigarettes as a quit aid during its 'Stoptober' campaign last year. It teamed up with the independent British Vape trade Association (IBVTA) during that campaign. 

The Vaping Post reports that PHE has once again teamed up with the IBVTA this month as it launches another campaign. Here's an extract:

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