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Pages tagged "The Freedom Association"

Why you should set-up a Freedom Society in your university

Andrew Allison, Head of Campaigns at The Freedom Association, talked to William Yarwood, President of the University of Exeter Freedom Society, about why the society is important and successful, and why there should be freedom societies in every university in the UK. They are easy to set-up and The Freedom Association will assist you every step of the way.

Please consider setting-up a Freedom Society in your university today. 

The free press and the BBC. WATCH Andrew Allison and David Stephenson discuss the future of both

Andrew Allison, Head of Campaigns for The Freedom Association chatted with David Stephenson, TV Editor of the Sunday Express. They explored what the future will look like for the print media in the UK and the BBC. Does the TV licence fee have a future? Will the BBC have to explore alternative funding models? Spoiler alert: the answers to the last two questions are no and yes respectively!

Click HERE to watch it 

Click here to become a member of The Freedom Association. Click here to make a donation to help us in our work. 

Join us for our next webinar - The British Union at risk: how do we fight back?

During our next webinar, The Freedom Association will address the subject of 'The British Union at risk: how do we fight back?' It will take place on Tuesday 23rd March at 6.00 pm. Confirmed panellists are:

Andrew Allison, Head of Campaigns for The Freedom Association

Rt Hon Baroness Hoey. Born and brought up in Northern Ireland, Kate served as the Labour MP for Vauxhall from 1989-2019

Rt Hon David Jones MP, Conservative MP for Clwyd West and a former Secretary of State for Wales

Brian Monteith, Council Member of The Freedom Association and a former Conservative MSP

The webinar will be chaired by David Campbell Bannerman, our Chairman and a former Conservative MEP. David has written this article about saving the British Union. 

You can register by clicking here. Places are limited. We hope that you will be able to join us. 

Captain Tim Scott highlights how much our armed forces are a force for good

In a Freedom Association webinar, held on Tuesday 2nd February, Captain Tim Scott, a former army officer and Treasurer of The Freedom Association, highlighted that our armed forces are a force for good and also highlighted the future opportunities there are for the defence and security of the UK now we have left the European Union.

Click here to watch the full webinar. 

Click here to become a member of The Freedom Association. If you are in a position help us in our work, please consider making a donation.

Andrew Allison in conversation with Philip Davies MP - Lockdown restrictions must end

Andrew Allison, Head of Campaigns for The Freedom Association, chatted to Philip Davies MP. Philip is the Conservative MP for Shipley and serves on The Freedom Association's Council and Management Committee. They talked about the damaging lockdown restrictions and how the Government should end them, not only for the sake of the economy, but for people's health and wellbeing in general.

To watch the podcast on YouTube, click here

To become a member of The Freedom Association, click here If you able to help us in our work, please consider making a donation

WATCH the Rt Hon Julian Lewis MP discuss the defence challenges facing the UK

In a Freedom Association webinar, held on Tuesday 2nd February, the Rt Hon Julian Lewis MP, a former Chair of the House of Commons Defence Select Committee, and the current Chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee, discussed the defence challenges facing the UK.

Click here to watch the full webinar. 

Click here to become a member of The Freedom Association. And to help us in our work, please consider making a donation.

WATCH Colonel Richard Kemp giving his assessment about the opportunities for defence policy in a post-Brexit world

In a recent Freedom Association webinar, Colonel Richard Kemp gave his assessment about the opportunities for defence policy in a post-Brexit world. 

He said that "freedom from the EU means freedom in the future, as we have had in the past, to pursue our own global defence policies in our country's interests." 

Click on the image below to watch it. 

To become a member of the The Freedom Association, click here. And click here to make a donation. 

The siege of London: a capital at odds with its country over Brexit

The following was written for this series of essays, published in January of this year, by Daniel Moylan, a former adviser to Boris Johnson as Mayor of London, and who could take charge of Brexit policy if Boris becomes Prime Minister. 

London has long shrugged off the brooding sense of resentment other parts of the country sometimes feel at its dominance of national political and economic life. After all, the capital, with over eight million people, is a social eco-system of its own, caught up in its own affairs and confident that its net contribution to the Government coffers (over £26 billion a year) is sufficient answer to any regional chippiness.

Read more

On the anniversary of the referendum, Peer urges ‘negative’ Government to start talking about the benefits of Brexit

News Release

22nd June 2018

On the eve of the second anniversary of the EU referendum, the independent Labour Peer, Lord Stoddart of Swindon has criticised the Government for its: “negativity and failure to make clear the many benefits the UK will enjoy outside of the European Union.  The British people had a vision of a positive future outside of the EU, when they bravely voted for Brexit on 23rd June 2016.  It is a about time the Government did too!”

Lord Stoddart said: “It really is very disappointing that it has to be the American Ambassador who is reminding us of what a great country we are and of the optimistic future we can look forward to outside of the EU.  He is absolutely right to be dismayed at the defeatism we, as a nation, are exhibiting towards Brexit. It is high time that our rather negative Government, which seems to regard the negotiations with the EU as some sort of damage limitation exercise, started being a cheer leader for the benefits of leaving the EU, not least the £10.5 billion net and rising that we will no longer have to pay to be in this failing economic bloc.

“The passage of the EU (Withdrawal) Bill through both Houses of Parliament this week is hugely significant because it means that the European Communities Act 1972, which made the EU supreme over Westminster, will be repealed.  In other words, despite the endless anti-democratic wailing of the Remain brigade, there is no going back, we are leaving the EU and re-establishing the supremacy of our own Government and Parliament.  Not before time!”



THE PRESS OFFICE OF The Lord Stoddart of Swindon (independent Labour)                                                                                          

Media contact:  Stuart Gulleford

Tel:  07734-457390 

e-mail: [email protected]

Twitter: #lordstoddart 


New Role for TFA Director Rory Broomfield

Rory Broomfield has decided to step-down from his twin roles of Director of The Freedom Association (TFA) and Director of the Better Off Out Campaign. For the past six years, Rory has been at the heart of the effort to put the positive case for the UK to leave the EU and has made a significant contribution to the success of the Brexit cause.

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