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Pages tagged "The Freedom Association"

Treat yourself to these wonderful Jacob Rees-Mogg cufflinks!

One of Westminster’s finest MPs, Freedom Association Council Member Philip Davies, has had the brainwave of producing these magnificent, British-made cufflinks, in honour of his fellow Brexiteer, The Hon. Jacob Rees-Mogg MP. One link depicts Jacob, whilst the other features Jacob’s brilliant line, “I’m all in favour of nannies, but not the nanny state” (Conservative Blue text on a white background).

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The Freedom Association responds to Katy Bourne, Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner

On 27 November we wrote to Katy Bourne, Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner, asking her to order an investigation into the policing methods used outside All Saints Centre in Lewes on Saturday 25 November 2017 which resulted in the cancellation of a talk by Katie Hopkins. (Click here to read that letter

Ms. Bourne replied to us with a factually inaccurate letter earlier this week which we have replied to today. A number of serious crimes were committed by the violent mob that assembled in the graveyard outside All Saints Centre. Those who had to run the gauntlet of this violent mob are demanding justice, and they are not going to politely go away until they get the justice that they deserve.

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You have been warned. In Corbyn and his gang we are beset by the enemy within

The following is a guest post by the Rev Dr Peter Mullen, Hon. Chaplain of The Freedom Association. 

Rev-Peter-Mullen.pngIt is more than likely that Jeremy Corbyn will be our next prime minister. His political idols are Hugo Chavez and his successor Nicolas Maduro who have turned Venezuela into a hell on earth. Corbyn’s social and economic policies would quickly bring Britain to a similar catastrophe. Here are a few details…

Miguel Rodríguez Torres, a Venezuelan general who served as President Maduro’s interior minister in 2013 and 2014, recently warned that his country is on the verge of civil war. Large riots and protests have intensified in every major city, including the working class neighbourhoods which once firmly supported Maduro’s government.

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VIDEO: Protesters breaking into All Saints Centre, Lewes at the cancelled Katie Hopkins talk

In this video the violent mob are succeeding in breaking through a closed door. This is criminal behaviour that Sussex Police wanted to brush under the carpet.

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How to produce a mental case…

The following is a guest post by the Rev Dr Peter Mullen, Hon. Chaplain of The Freedom Association. 

Rev-Peter-Mullen.pngEvery week, it seems, there is another TV documentary or a special supplement in a national newspaper to tell us the shocking news of the “epidemic of mental illness among young people.” Even Prince Harry and Prince William wax all teary eyeball and harp on the same theme. The sages in the mass media express puzzlement about the causes of this epidemic. But really they should not be surprised. The Jesuits had a saying, “Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man.”

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Hands All Round

The following is a guest post Dr. Timothy Tomkinson. 

The other day I stumbled across this poem by Tennyson. Written a hundred and thirty two years ago and although a little garish, it is remarkably relevant to the present day. Of course there can be many interpretations but beyond the slightly grating overtones it is high-minded and enduring. At its core it calls for individual freedom, and discerns where balances of power lie.

It is a splendid tribute to an enduring outlook, as he correctly states the priority that the UK and Anglosphere have traditionally put on freedom. To paraphrase Disraeli, I prefer the liberties we now enjoy to the liberalism they profess, and find something better than the Rights of Man in the Rights of Englishmen”. That is the sentiment echoed in the poem and borne out today. The fact that in the UK one may prefer the freedoms and liberties that we have been gifted, more than the illusory rights professed by more authoritarian regimes (although the times are changing).

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"Hooded thugs had established mob rule". Another eyewitness account of what it was really like trying to attend Katie Hopkins' talk in Lewes

Here is his very detailed, personal account of what it was really like at All Saints Centre in Lewes last Saturday for those going to hear a talk from Katie Hopkins. The person has asked to remain anonymous. If you think the protesters were good humoured upstanding citizens, think again. 

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The Freedom Association complains to Sussex PCC after Katie Hopkins' talk was cancelled at Lewes Speakers Festival

The Freedom Association has today written to Katy Bourne, Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner, to ask her to order an investigation into the policing methods used outside All Saints Centre in Lewes on Saturday 25 November 2017 which resulted in the cancellation of a talk by Katie Hopkins. 

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WATCH: Andrew Allison discusses Theresa May's future and Brexit

Andrew Allison, Head of Campaigns, discussed Theresa May's future and Brexit in a four way discussion on TRT World. 

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LISTEN: Should Paperchase have apologised for partnering with the Daily Mail?

Andrew Allison, Head of Campaigns, discusses Paperchase's decision to apologise for partnering with the Daily Mail in a promotional offer. 

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