Pages tagged "The Guardian"
A Snowflake Writes for The Guardian
The following is a guest post by the Rev Dr Peter Mullen, Hon. Chaplain of The Freedom Association.
A couple of weeks ago I wrote a piece which I titled “The Guardian: a psychiatric casebook.” In the light of new clinical information I need to revise the judgement I made there. I originally thought the mental disease which The Guardian is suffering from is some form of neurosis. It turns out to be much worse – a full-blown psychotic illness. You know the difference between a neurotic and a psychotic? The neurotic builds castles in the air while the psychotic lives in them.
Young Owen Jones is the psychotic in question. He has written an article in The Guardian which qualifies him for immediate transportation to the nuthouse.
Read moreThe Guardian: A Psychiatric Casebook
The following is a guest post by the Rev Dr Peter Mullen, Hon. Chaplain of The Freedom Association. In this post, Peter takes a look at The Guardian newspaper a week after it became a tabloid.
The Guardian has gone tabloid, but the change has neither remedied its intellectual deficiencies nor purged its ideological malaise. Very smart, neat presentation, but the same old shibboleths.
Murderous stabbings – what the paper calls “knife crime,” as if the knives did it – are at an all-time high in London where forty-six people under the age of twenty-five were killed in 2017 alone. This only leads The Guardian to repeat again one of its favourite mantras: “Stop and search is not the answer.” Better a plague of murders eh, than to risk being accused of racism?
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