Andrew Allison, Head of Campaigns at The Freedom Association, said:
"If there was any justice in our criminal justice system, John Worboys would not have been considered for parole after just nine years. He was convicted nine years ago of one count of rape, five sexual assaults, one attempted assault and 12 drugging charges, committed from July 2007 to February 2008 and given an indeterminate sentence requiring him to serve at least eight years.
"Thank goodness the High Court has granted a judicial review of the parole board’s decision to release him. When he was sentenced, the judge said he would not be released until the parole board decided he no longer presented a threat to women. Considering that by October 2010 the police had received over a hundred complaints from other women about him, it will be interesting to read the reasons why the parole board made the decision they did.
"I also hope that the police will fully investigate the other complaints they have received, and if necessary, charge him with further offences accordingly.
"The public has a right to know how the parole board reached its decision and expects the criminal justice system to protect us all.
"Whatever the decision, trust in the system is at stake. Transparency is the key to ensuring that justice is seen to be done".
Media Contact
Andrew Allison, Head of Campaigns, The Freedom Association
Tel: 07803 741104
Email: [email protected]