It's fair to say that Tony Blair was not on top form this morning during his interview on BBC Radio 4's Today programme. John Humphreys was all over him like a rash, pointing out the inconsistencies of his arguments and reminding him of an important word: democracy. Blair didn't even rule out a third referendum if the second one didn't go his way.
But we are more concerned that he is well funded, has connections in every European capital (including Brussels), and is determined to make sure that the EU offers us an appalling deal which will he will then use to press for a further referendum. If we allow Blair & Co. to get away with it, they will feel even more empowered than they do now to wreck Brexit.
Have a listen to this clip from Blair's interview this morning.
Our members and supporters have already distributed tens of thousands of our 'Stop Blair' flyers.
Can you help us print and distribute more?
To help, go to our donations page and give. We need as much help as we can to tackle the global organisations of Blair and Co. (along with their money pots). The more money you give, the more we can do. In the run up to last year’s referendum, we printed and distributed many millions of leaflets. Now is the time to do it all over again.
If you would like to buy some flyers, you can order in quantities of 150 or 350. You can buy 150 or 350 of each leaflet, or purchase a 50/50 mix. We will mail you (UK only) 150 flyers for £3, or 350 flyers for £5. The price of each bundle of flyers is subsidised thanks to the generosity of those who have kindly donated to the campaign. To place your secure order by credit/debit card, please click here. Alternatively, you can call our Cheltenham office on 01242 235333.
2018 is a vitally important year. Don't let Blair wreck Brexit. Stop him now.